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Here is manual gprs setting for your Nokia mobile, Thoughit is better to call customer care and ask them to send automatic gprs setting to yourmobile, but if you are facing problem in saving setting , then you can follow these steps:
Note: Nokia c2-03 and some other new models don't have configuration option, so manual gprs setting is not possible for this model. you have to contact to your telecom operator to send you automatic settings. please read continue for other models
Here steps are for GLOBE gprs, ifyou are using other network gprs ,only APN and IP address will be changed, other settings and procedure will remain same. Follow options step by step -
Open menu
Select settings
Personal configuration settings
select options
add new
select web
Account name: myGLOBE CONNECT
Homepage: http://www.globe.com.ph/globe.asp( In some new phones you will not get this option)
username and password: leave blank
Use preferred access point: Yes
Now hit back
now again select options
Add new
Select access point
Account name: myGLOBE CONNECT
Access point setting
Data bearer:packet data
select Bearer setting
Packet data access point: write "www.globe.com.ph "(without quotes)
"www.globe.com.ph" is access point name(APN) of myGLOBE CONNECT, if you are using other service provider then for detail of APN you can check my post http://rtechreview.info/2011/01/mannual-gprs-setting-of-all-mobile.html
Network Type: IPv4
Authentication type: Normal
Username and password: leave blank
Now hit back and activate both "myGLOBE CONNECT" and the 1 "myGLOBE CONNECT" by selecting option
now your Nokia mobile is ready for internet surfing.
Tags: Gprs Setting|Nokia mobile Setting|C2 Setting|C2-03 Gprs setting|Manual Gprs setting|Nokia mobile|APN Setting of Nokia mobile

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